“Lest we Forget”

11/11 is a day of remembrance around the world.  A time to remember, and honour all members of the armed forces who have died in combat since W.W.1.  On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the First World War came to an end in 1918.

In many countries the Poppy flower has become part of this memorial occasion, as they grew prolifically in the battlefields of Flanders.  The Poppy became the symbol to raise funds to support injured men and women of the armed forces and or their families. This is now extended to all war veterans especially those fighting in the current wars. Last year in the UK alone the Poppy Appeal raised $30,000,000 for the support of returned military personnel and the families of the deceased and wounded.

Today as I was buying groceries I passed by a little stand selling poppies and wrist bands in remembrance of all the fallen military men and women who gave their lives in service to their country. I am moved by the innocence and nobility of these young souls who give themselves in honourable service. So often to find themselves years later being thoroughly  wounded in spirit as well as body when they discover that their courageous hearts have been manipulated to make war for ignoble means.

The words on the memorials for these brave souls say ‘Lest we forget’

I am often brought to tears by these words as I come in contact with the collective field of memories and emotions held within this small statement. “lest we forget”. So I take a moment on the 11/11 each year to remember all the fallen members of the armed forces from the two great wars until present time. Especially I offer love and compassion to those who are still fighting. Regardless of which nation they are fighting for.

‘I take it in’, this time of Remembrance.

This year seems particularly auspicious to take a couple of minutes on this day 11/11/11 to remember.

I  invite you my soul brothers and sisters to join me in Remembering and to perhaps make your own list as I share mine here.

Remember that love is a state of being.

Remember that we are love.

Remember that we are held in a field of benevolent consciousness.

Remember that we are all members of one family, remember to release all ideas of separation.

Remember that we are the flowing river of life.

Remember that the same source that is beating your heart is caring for your life.

Remember that grace arrives in moments of deep surrender and darkness is the quiet time before the dawn.

Remember that the more you love the more you give.

Remember that giving is an expression of love.

Remember that we have been dreaming a new world into being. We are here to actualise it.

Remember that you are loved and supported in all ways everyday.

Remember that you are love, you are  bliss, you are truth and you are freedom. (Osho)

Remember that we are all united in our hearts.

Remember that we are our brothers keeper.

Remember that you are love and are loved. Remember that you are the joy and grace of life.

Remember that together our love is heralding forth a new age.

An Age of Reverence and Respect for all beings. An age of loving kindness filled with joyful, passionately abundant creative expression.

An age that with our love and remembrance will see a time when the sense of adventure and nobility within all these young men and women will he honoured as they enlist in service of planetary stewardship.  A service with no guns.  A service of such endeavor that never again do we need to read that the last of a species like the Black Rhino has been hunted to extinction.

May 11/11/11 be marked in our hearts as the year that things change. May the money raised from selling little red poppy flowers continue to support where needed. May we remember that although those dear souls gave their lives we are all in the one field of evolutionary consciousness. Only as we come together in the one heart can we see the shift that we have all been dreaming into being.

Remember that small acts of kindness flow to become an ocean of heartful giving.

Remember that love is prayer and God is a DJ..!

In loving remembrance of the Oneness of life and all who I am blessed to share it with known and unknown.


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