Spring Equinox – March 2011

Spring Equinox – March 2011

Coming of Age – Spring Equinox March 20th 2011. In the the last weeks and again today I have received emails from channeled sources and well meaning groups. Many of them still looking to a ‘God’ outside. Some of them saying that ‘Heaven’...
Unity Waves

Unity Waves

March the 9th 2011 marks the official start date of a new cycle in the Mayan Calendar, this time is known as the ninth wave of the Universal Underworld or the Wave of Unity Consciousness. From now until October there is an ever increasing intensity as the waves of...
Liebe kosmische Reisende,

Liebe kosmische Reisende,

Ich schreibe euch dies aus Portland Oregon während wir den ersten Tag von 2011 begrüßen, den 1/1/11 oder 11:11. Was für ein viel versprechender Jahresanfang. Diejenigen unter euch, die mit der Nummerologie vertraut sind, werden wissen, dass wir mit einer...
Liebe kosmische Reisende,

Cosmic Travellers

Beloved Cosmic Travellers I am writing this from Portland Oregon as we enter the first day of 2011. 1/1/11 or 11:11! What an auspicious start to the year. For those of you who are familiar with numerology you will know that we are starting on a Master vibration...
Old thoughts on Solstice

Old thoughts on Solstice

In reviewing old notes & looking for inspiration to write a came across a musing from Solstice last year… and felt to share it with you. Summer Solstice 2009-06-17 A shift of Perception. Hello Friends It is hard to believe that six months have passed since...