Your whole life is written into the musculature, meridians and energy of your face. Every frown, every fear, every rejection, every unresolved moment has left its subtle mark, what do you think would happen if you could gently release that ? How would that change your life? How would it feel to simply rest in the truth of who you are?
Facial Harmony
Is a deep unwinding process, through gentle sensitive touch applied to the face, head and neck an overall release of tension is experienced in the nervous system.
The muscles of the face and the cranial nerves gives us access to deep inner functions in the body, which release us from years of accumulated stress patterns.
The body is built to experience stress and then be able to discharge it from the system. Keeping us healthy with a growing capacity of inner management.
We move from one Stressful situation to the next, never really allowing the body the recovery time needed to unwind from the trauma that has been set in motion.
Facial Harmony unwinds the contractions in our nervous system bringing our body/mind into a state of rejuvenation and relaxation. As the inner patterns of constriction dissolve, it leaves the face looking fresh, alive and
Zen is not a believers world. It is not for the faithful ones; it is for those daring souls who can drop all belief, unbelief, doubt, reason, mind, and simply enter into their pure existence without boundaries…birth…
Will you be joining us?
Not All Who Wander are Lost …