“Freedom, true freedom has nothing to do with how we spend our time on the material plane. True freedom is not an effect. It is a kind of ever-expanding spaciousness that arises spontaneously inside you as you come to understand how deeply victimised you really are by your own core beliefs.”
― The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA
“I connected with Tanmayo for the first time in 2007 and have been catching every course I could with her ever since then.
Tanmayo is not only an inspirational teacher but also somebody who radiates a deep and highly contagious inner serenity and joy. She has the ability to hold the energy in a room in a way that gives you a sensation of inner peace and space. To me, time with Tanmayo has always meant letting go of old patterns and rediscovering myself again and again. I have learned that deep change can happen in a tender and all-loving way. It feels like coming home!
I yearn for a session with Tanmayo when I remember to remember, in
I can only invite others to connect with Tanmayo, let go and understand your freedom, power and love.”
Anaïs Bock M.A. /Image & Life Coach /Germany / Egypt and Spain
“My activation sequence with Tanmayo felt as if I am lying out on a warm sandy beach allowing the soothing ocean waves to wash over me again and again. I felt truly seen and tenderly held in a most intimate way. Tanmayo seemed to be able to touch into major moments and aspects of my life. Drawing my attention to my prime gifts and encouraging me to immerse myself into the Siddhi. Under
I feel as if I understood more clearly how and why particular events or circumstances have affected me as they did. She also offered me key ‘tools’ for deepening my experience into my own passion and intensity in living. In the time since receiving my activation sequence, I have felt an increased inner excitement simply to be ‘me’ and to be living my life.
The waves of this whole experience increase and deepen each time I listen, again to the recording of my session with Tanmayo—the light reflecting a little differently onto the various aspects we covered. I would encourage this re-listening and re-living the experience to all who would begin the journey…there is always more that begins to be revealed.”
Paulette Lieska. Oregon, USA
“My activation with Tanmayo created openings for me that I have not felt before. Her great understanding of human nature together with her amazing knowledge of Gene Keys provided me with a new insight of who I am. This inner transformation continues to deeply enrich my life in many ways. Through sharing her wisdom , Tanmayo has inspired me to travel a path of inner truth and self-acceptance. Guiding me to love and nurture myself along the way.
After experiencing the activation sequence with Tanmayo I have found a sense of peace inside, this sense of peace enables me to experience all my relationships, intimate, professional and social in an authentic loving way. My heart has opened and I am forever grateful. Thank you
Angela Jones/ CEO of Uni Organics Skin Care (Australia)
“It’s already been a while since I had my Activation Sequence but it’s become a key
Though little by little I’m gaining an understanding of my session.
My Gene Keys are at the core of my heart, living with me.
Kaori Yamashita (Osaka)
“I began working with Tanmayo almost 2 yrs ago, in 2010, where initially I contacted her for a Gene Keys Activation Sequence. However, the journey that followed is hard to describe in words; we continue to work with the Gene Keys, but we also travel other paths through the Essence work of the Diamond Logos School where she has studied for years, into Human Design and much more. At least for me, this journey is a lot about learning to surrender and Tanmayo has been the perfect guide – an email out of the blue at precisely the time I needed one, or recommending the perfect book to read, or the perfect story to make her point… I suppose if I were
Scott Ex Marine, Aircraft Engineer for Rolls Royce, now Zen Monk, living in Japan
“Tanmayo has a beautiful ability to conjure the mysteries within the GeneKeys and evoke a sympatico response within me. I LOVE listening to her amazing voice lilting with humor and compassionate wisdom. Makes me feel at peace & resonating with my inner awareness. There are actually only a handful of people who understand the GeneKeys and are able to translate the hidden depths and possibilities within these treasures. I count Tanmayo amongst that small group of wise ones.”
Max Aaron Christeaan / Ashville USA
“I have known Tanmayo for over 12 years experiencing her in her many guises, as a co-traveller in explorations of the Enneagram with Claudio Naranjo, a facilitator in Satori, a bodywork practitioner with her modality Facial Harmony, a fellow participant in the Path of Love retreat, also as the living embodiment the Gene Keys, and as a friend and a co- enquirer in the nature of being human. She is a passionate seeker of the truth, not only relentlessly exploring the psycho-spiritual dimension of being but also the physical expression of our existence through her bodywork. I am always in awe of the integrity she brings to everything she does, to everyone she meets and to her journey of spiritual exploration which she shares with love to all”.
Marc Chadwick Retired Merchant Banker Australia
‘When I first discovered my Gene Keys, it was like they were just floating around me but slowly I feel they’re sinking inside me. By discovering that troubling aspects of me were actually my design I was able to accept myself. This has been the biggest change for me. More and more often I come to a sudden realization “Oh, I’m living my Gene Keys now”, or “I’m standing on my Gene Keys right now”. I think I’m also becoming more aware when my mind is pulling me back to the world of my old experiences and judgement, so much that it makes me laugh sometimes. Knowing my Gene Keys has allowed me to feel who I am more deeply and that if people are sacred I’m also sacred. I realize once again each and every one of us is equal and sacred.
If I get chance I’d love to take the classes again to open more.’
Thank you, Tanmayo. Megumi Yashiki (Kyoto) 2011
“I am again reminded how much I love the Gene Keys. I feel like this time I’m able to look at my keys from a different angle. I feel more familiar with each of my keys. No uncomfortable feelings, they feel they’re where they’re supposed to be. If I try to understand the meaning of the keys with my head then it becomes a little uncomfortable, but if I trust the sensation in my body I feel an intimate relationship with my GKs and that makes me happy! I’m also happy to hear Tanmayo’s voice. 🙂
‘Many many thanks to
Mayumi Registered Nurse Tokyo
It’s been a year and
Why Commitment? The word which I decided that I never wanted to deal with again came back to my life after 20 years! Oh no, how come this is my GIft?! However, perhaps my life started transforming since that moment. “Commitment” “Half-heartedness” “Compromise” These three words have become a barometer to see if I’m really living “here and now”. Through the session, I got to know and confirmed things about myself. I can embrace myself no matter what. It’s like I’ve received a gift of “living myself”. Many many heartfelt thanks to the Gene Keys and Tanmayo who transmitted Gene Keys to me.
I realize participating in Gene Keys classes has also allowed my Gene Keys to sink deeper into myself. 64 Gene Keys and 6 lines they all exist inside me. My 3rd and
My deepest appreciation.
Yoko Fumoto (Tokyo)
When I first read my chart it made so much sense. “Intolerance” and “Deafness” really described how I was in a certain period of my life. I was startled.
After the recent change of my environment, I’d been putting my self in a corner that I have to change. I was afraid of
I didn’t mean to stand out, but somehow I do, and I was hurt because for me, being different meant being incompetent! I didn’t want people to notice I was different and to reject me, I was so afraid that I became extremely conscious about the reactions of others. In an attempt to fit in, my mind desired knowledge, same experiences were repeated, and as a
No matter how many years I put on, I’m still like a child inside. I have moods, sometimes I am driven by my emotions.
I want to take more time alone and be with myself. I don’t feel like I want new knowledge, but
The person I’m in love with, with whom I want to spend the rest of my life is very good at amusing my
From the day after the session, I’ve been keeping relaxation in mind. Going with the flow of life, living the Gene Keys I was given and staying present to my inner voice, and remembering to breathe
I’m so glad
Thank you so much.
Megumi Narukami
Your energy and such a big love
So I follow
Thanks for great gifts.
Facial Harmony
Is a deep unwinding process, through gentle sensitive touch applied to the face, head and neck an overall release of tension is experienced in the nervous system….
Zen is not a believers world. It is not for the faithful ones; it is for those daring souls who can drop all belief, unbelief, doubt, reason, mind, and simply enter into their pure existence without boundaries…birth…
Will you be joining us?
Not All Who Wander are Lost …